Good day Distinguished Seniors and Honorable Colleagues!

I promised in my Declaration of intent after picking the Chairmanship nomination form on the 3rd of March, 2020, I have presented to you distinguished colleagues my Manifesto being a 15 point Programme of Action.

As earlier stated, we have hit the ground running in a bid to remain the pace, agenda setters and to lead by example and to retain the numero uno Branch position in Nigeria.

We as a branch shall lead while others follow in our footsteps as others are most welcome to copy our legacy. We remain the Ogas of the Oga branch.

We have chosen to be ambitious in our programmes which by the grace of Almighty God and our colleagues' kind support we shall effortlessly execute and bring to fruition.

Also, we are young and daring but not oblivious of the daunting challenges. We assure you we shall overcome and remain the preferred NBA Branch in Nigeria.

In due course, we shall elaborate on the qestion of 'how?' to execute our agenda contained in my manifesto in a robust and holistic manner.

Furthermore, we as a team shall entertain criticisms, clarifications, discourse and debates on same.

With God, all things are possible and we trust in God and our good people that we shall deliver on our programmes as promised.

Thank you and I remain your humble servant, I. K THANY.

Send me and I will go, call me and I will answer!

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