FOOD FOR THOUGHTS IN TRYING TIMES. - BY Adedotun Habeeb Adetunji, Esq.

15 April, 2020.


"The greatest failure in life is a person who is a success at every thing else except for what God calls him to do".

Find out your unique purpose for existence and do everything to fulfill it. Do not run another person's race. Run your race on your track and at your pace so that at the end you will receive your crown.

You will not be rewarded for runing the race of another person,discover your purpose and be focused in pursuing same.

With a solid determination to fulfill your unique purpose, God will provide the grace. God will not give you grace without determination on your side.

O God! help us to discover your purpose for our lives and give us grace to fulfill same even in the current phase of life we are passing through.

It is indeed a trying time but we shall come out of it victoriously by his grace.

- Adedotun Habeeb Adetunji LL.M (M.IoD), FCAI.

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