LIKE CHIEF GANI FAWEHINMI, LIKE S. O. K SHILLINGS. - Written by Rt. Hon. Comr. B. H. F Williams (The Legal Luminary)


To begin with, Chief Abdul-Ganiyu "Gani" Oyesola Fawehinmi, GCON, SAN was a Nigerian author, publisher, philanthropist, social critic, seasoned human and civil rights lawyer, politician and Senior Advocate of Nigeria.

S. O. K Shillings is a litigator of high esteem who was admitted into the Nigerian Bar in 2000 and in his right, a quintessentially brilliant, modest, dedicated, enterprising, and an accomplished legal practitioner. He is a terrific writer nicknamed 'The Pen Master'

His love for education cannot be overemphasized. An alumni of the Lagos State University's Faculty of Law. The Managing Partner, S. O. K. Shillings & Co (Idera Chambers) founded in 2003.

Herewith is a brief profile of S. O. K Shillings;
He sit on the Board of Directors, Odoogun Castle Estate Limited and provides corporate services to a handful of medium companies.

He attended St. Peter U. N. A. Primary School, Bashua Somolu and followed up to Government Teachers' College, Ikorodu.

Afterward, he became a teacher for about a decade before proceeding to the Lagos State University to study Law where he graduated in 1997.

During his time as a teacher, he was a games master and an active N. U. T. activist. He was Secretary of Gamesmaster/'Mistresses Association from 1986 - 1992 and one of founders of Association of Classroom Teachers in Ikorodu which later metamophorsed into the National Association of Classroom Teachers under the aegis of the N. U. T. He was the Assistant Secretary (1987 - 1989) and later Secretary of the Association ('89 -' 92).

At LASU, he was a member, Student's Parliamentary Council; (SPC) Chairman, first independent Students Union Electoral Committee (LASUSUIEC); Chairman, Caretaker Committee, Lasulaws Students Society; Candidate for Presidency, LASU Students' Union (whence he assumed the alias 'SOK is Ok!'; and, he was the Founder, Society for Current Affairs and Development which he left as a legacy.

After his call to Bar, he had his pupilage for 3 years in 2 Law firms headed by Principals who were interested in NBA. Both principals became branch Chairmen in 2016 - 2018 and one is an NBA presidential aspirant. He was an active member of the Lagos and Ikeja branches before settling down in Ikorodu in 2006 where he became a member of the Elders Committee in 2008.

He is also a community leader in his own right, a co-founder and leader of Ikorodu Collectives 1999 - 2012; A founding member and Assistant Secretary, Ikorodu Economic Council 2013 - 2015 and  President, Zenith Peers Club 2007 - 2011. He currently serves as Member, LASU Indigeneship Verification Committee 2017 - 2020+.

An erstwhile politician of the left wing inclination, a member of Juche Idea Study Group 1988 - 1992 and Gani Fawehinmi Solidarity Association 1989 - 1992.

S.O.K's love for education and his relationship with the Nigerian Students is admirable. Perhaps haunted by his experience of financial deprivation in his time as a student which fueled his determination to provide succour to the needy Nigerian students.

He has touched the lives of thousands of indigent students and less privileged in a bid to fulfilling their dreams to access education.

The above he has done through his financial commitment ; particularly using his tool of trade as a lawyer free of charge to vindicate students who were wrongfully expelled/punished by University authorities. One of such student is my humble self, the writer of this piece.

Myself as a reference point, S. O. K Shillings sued the Lagos State University as my counsel on a probono basis for the injustice metted on me, orchestrated by my political rivals arising from my deep neck involvement in Student Unionism. S. O. K Shillings handed me a favourable judgment of the court leading to my ultimate graduation from the Lagos State University.

                                                                                                                        B.H.F WILLIAMS
By and large, S.O.K is a great supporter of students and their legal cause  at various levels.He has identified with the cause of victimised students leaders, hence he bagged the award of a Life member of LASU Students' Union and also the Advocate of the Masses in recognition of his service to the cause of the oppressed Students.

He continued nurturing minds, ensuring that the less priviledged but talented do not lack the means to their intellectual advancement to whatever extent his means can provide.

Another instance to my Knowledge, I know for a fact that S. O. K Shillings made a university graduate from his office clerk. A young man who lacked the financial weherewithal to ordinarily accomplish such a feat.

The real impetus for his titles is because he commits to education as the surest means for the regeneration of human potentials. Thus, societal growth and self-realisation.

When the State has created a void through neglect and indifference to the welfare of Students, S.O.K Shillings steps in, in his might to bridge the gap.

A man of integrity, an advocate, a faithful comrade, a leader and a mentor who has worked assiduously for the growth and development of the Nigerian Students who by chance come across him.

There is no iota of doubt in my mind about his love for the youths. A support for S. O. K Shillings is an endorsement for youths progression.

I hereby call upon the young lawyers in Nigeria and the aspiring lawyers to take a cue from the time tested Comrade, draw inspiration and work in concert with him to take his dreams of an elitist new generation to a higher level.

What then if not, like Chief Gani Fawehinmi like S. O. K Shillings!

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