LEGAL NUGGETS (Series 108) - ISSUE: CONTEMPT OF COURT : Whether Contempt Proceeding is Part of the Main Civil or Criminal Proceedings Before the Court.- By Adedotun Habeeb Adetunji, LL.M (M.IoD), FCAI


CONTEMPT OF COURT : Whether contempt proceeding is part of the main civil or criminal proceedings before the court

If from the definition, contempt of court reflects the conduct of the contemnor in the face of the court or outside of its face, then it is easy to say that contempt proceeding is not part of the main civil or criminal proceedings before the court.
It is separate. Hence a separate proceedings, if the court arrives at a decision, it becomes a final one, and thus entitles the contemnor to the right of appeal." Per BAGE, J.C.A (P. 25, paras. A-C)

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