NIGERIAN BAR ASSOCIATION Section on Business Law - Join The M&A Masterclass Series 1

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

The Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Reorganisations Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law (MACR) wishes to invite you to its Masterclass series which is scheduled to hold virtually. The Masterclass will be broken into various series to be held in these practice areas during the course of the year with the first series on “Mergers, Schemes, Acquisitions and Divestments”.

Details of the first series is as follows:

Date: 24th February, 2021 then fortnightly

Time: 10:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m

Venue: Zoom

The Masterclass will feature lawyers, business executives and industry practitioners who will train lawyers on pertinent topics in Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Re-organisations practice.

This event is open to MACR members! Please click on the button below to register. If you are not registered with the MACR please click the link below to register or contact the undersigned.

Register for M&A Masterclass

Register as a MACR Member

We look forward to welcoming you to our Masterclass.

Best regards

NBA-Section on Business Law

27 Ribadu Street,

South West Ikoyi,


T: +234 805 488 1300

E: [email protected]

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For more information, please call Mr. Endurance on: +234 805 488 1300

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