With the impact of this JUSUN strike on lawyers generally and the junior lawyers especially, the NBA should consider palliative measures to cushion the negative impact of the strike on these juniors. 

Many of them are out of fund and are hardly surviving, with no visble hope in sight. The Governors are unshaken. The press and the people are not mounting enough pressure which JUSUN expected. The NBA ordered a Mondayly protest which was obeyed & complied only once and rested.

People are languishing in jails and Police stations, yet everywhere is calm as if nothing is seriously wrong. Since my little 16 years in the profession, I have not seen anything like this. We should rise up and do something. The people are looking up to us to do something about the situation and we cannot disappoint them. To disappoint the people's expectation is to disappoint ourselves. We can no longer pretend that the situation will fix itself. We can mount the pressure, visibly. NBA President's call should be enforced and lawyers should come out en masse to join this pressure. JUSUN have taken the bold step, let's mount the pressure and get the press to do their part, otherwise, this Government of Governors may just ignore the whole thing and look away.

Meanwhile, the small CAC space where some of these juniors make some fast bucks have become an almost no-go-area as the whole processes of operations are not working. From CAC network failures to Remita payment issues to incompetent staff especially at the ICT dept where many of the staff do not even know how to solve the simplest of problems.

One would have thought that adequate training will be given to those staff before forcing the entire operations to online services.

From experience, it is clear that full information of over 70% of registered companies in Nigeria are yet to be updated in the post-incorporation portal, yet the Commission have announced that the public should go to the post-incorporation portal to do everything with the exception of just a negligible few processes. 

This is to say the least, very appalling as they are killing businesses and forcing companies to lose businesses and fund.

The NBA-CAC Committee should please go beyond asking us to fill Forms for complaints. Let them demand physical desks at the Commission where people can come and lay their complaints and get solutions, as many complaints sent to the designated emails receive nonreponse beyond acknowledgement of receipt. 

Many lawyers are suffering oo...

The process of conducting Legal Search at the Commission seem to be the worst. Upon successful application, the system provides you with less than 30% of the company information, then the Commission expects you to write to them complaining of missing information, then they will designate a staff to update the company information and after a week or more, you will need to check back for the updated information. Imagine the impact of the delay on businesses and external solicitors who are engaged by financial institutions to render such services.

Please let us not wait until lawyers carry gun and get to the news before we know that lawyer is suffering.


Obi Chimezie Esq.

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