1. What is GIFSHIP?
Answer: It stands for Group, Individual and Family Social Health Insurance Programme.
2. Who are those qualified to participate in GIFSHIP?
Answer: All members of the Nigerian Bar Association.
3. What are the qualification criteria?
Answer: For a member of the NBA to qualify, he/she must have paid his Bar Practicing Fees and branch local dues for the year.
4. Is there any literature that an intending enrollee can access to have a good understanding of the GIFSHIP?
Answer: Yes, there are several documents that an intending enrollee can access to understand the GIFSHIP. Some of these documents are the Enrollee Rights, Introduction to Benefit package of GIFSHIP, NHIS registered hospitals and other documents.
5. How can these documents and the registration forms be sourced?
Answer: The documents and the registration forms have been emailed to all members of the NBA and shared on many lawyer's social media platforms. It can also be gotten by requesting same from branch Welfare Secretaries and members of the NBA Welfare Committee.
6. Is there a special registration form?
Answer: Yes. The registration form is customized to accommodate the peculiar requirements of Supreme Court numbers and NBA branch of registrants.
7. Is GIFSHIP free?
Answer: No. The NBA subsidized a pilot scheme of 1000 members of the NBA by paying N15,000 per person. For every other person that may be interested, he/she has to pay the sum of N15,000.
8. To whom should the money be paid to?
Answer: All payments should be made into an NBA designated account.
9. Is it a one off payment?
Answer: No. Payment is annual. The insurance coverage is for a year beginning from when the name of the enrollees enter the NHIS register. GIFSHIP subscription is renewable every year upon expiration.
10. What is the extent of the coverage?
Answer: The coverage entails treatments for primary, secondary and 50% tertiary cases (surgeries & major investigations like MRI, CT SCAN etc). Enrollees only pay 10% of the cost of listed drugs. The full regime of treatment is explained more in the pamphlet 'Introduction to the the benefits of GIFSHIP'.
11. Can family members of a member of the NBA subscribe to GIFSHIP?
Answer: Yes. So far, the lawyer is a member of the NBA and of good standing, every member of his/her family can subscribe to GIFSHIP. Each person would have to fill a separate registration form but must have same address as the member of the NBA under whose auspices they subscribed. Each family member shall also pay the sum of N15,000.
12. Who are the family members?
Answer: They are the spouses, children and others who are directly related to the lawyer.
13. Can non-legal staff of law offices also subscribe?
Answer: Yes, but each staff must fill separate registration form and pay the sum of N15,000 for each person.
14. Is there any document that should be submitted along with the registration form?
Answer: Duly completed registration forms (where the intending enrollee is a member of the NBA) must be accompanied with the original evidence of payment of the sum of N15,000 into the designated NBA account, copies of BPF and local dues receipts. Each registration form must have the passport photograph of the intending enrollee affixed thereon. Each registration form must also have the valid NBA stamp and seal of the intending enrollee, where he is a member of the NBA.
15. Where should the registration forms be submitted?
Answer: All properly completed registration forms should be submitted to the Chairman of the intending enrollee's branch, who upon receipt of same must compile the forms and despatch them to the National Secretariat of the NBA, attentioned the General Secretary of the NBA.
16. What will happen to incomplete registration forms?
Answer: Improperly completed registration forms will not be accepted by the branch Chairman and the National Secretariat. Intending enrollees are advised to properly fill and complete the registration forms before submission to avoid delays in the processing of same.
17. Do enrollees start enjoying the benefits immediately after submitting the forms?
Answer: The registration forms have to be checked and verified for correctness and thereafter sent to NHIS for registration of the intending enrollee and the issuance of card to him. The waiting time to complete this process is 2 months. Enrollees will begin to enjoy the insurance benefit only upon issuance of cards to them.
18. What is the most important factor to consider in choosing hospital?
Answer: All intending enrollees are advised to choose an NHIS accredited hospital closest to their place of residence, to enable them enjoy the advantages of proximity.
19. Contact persons for inquiries?
Kunle Edun
Ogaga Emoghwanre
Ezekiel David
Nekabari Annah
20. What is the NBA account designated for this purpose?
Answer: Nigerian Bar Association
Access Bank Plc
Thank You.
Kunle Edun
National Welfare Secretary.