It must however be noted that...the resolve of the Bar to rise in defence of the Judiciary can and will be undermined where our efforts in this regard are not concerted. The cacophony of often discordant voices emanating from what ordinarily should be one Bar, on this same issue, has almost become comical and those to whom we purport to direct our umbrage may be forgiven for not taking us seriously.
It serves no useful purpose, after the NBA has clearly articulated a position on such a serious matter, for other groups within the Association, whether they be a body of senior or junior advocates, to muddy the waters by embarking on needless road-shows and issuing statements that only serve to portray our Association, and indeed our approach to the issue at hand, as uncoordinated and ultimately ineffective.
The NBA is the only voice of the legal profession in Nigeria and it has spoken unequivocally on this issue and shall follow this up with unmistakable resolve.
Olumide Akpata Esq.
Nigerian Bar Association.