In a deliberate and concerted effort to improve and advance the course of justice delivery in the judiciary sector, a bar/bench forum has been held in Asaba, the capital city of Delta State by stakeholders in the administration of justice. 

The Forum is a quarterly interactive session where members of the legal profession, including judges, lawyers, magistrates, and the police come together to espouse views, brainstorm, articulate, and rub minds to proffer solutions to challenges bedevilling the justice system. 

The Chief Judge of the State, Honourable Justice Tessy Diai who set the tone of the deliberation implored all present to be dignified and edifying in their language, stating that the purpose of the forum was to foster a cordial relationship between the bar and the bench for efficient and quick dispensation of Justice.

She assured that she will look into the issues raised and, if possible, see how some of them could be incorporated into the practice direction/rules of court which were undergoing amendment. 

Justice Diai used the auspicious occasion to call on lawyers to make their inputs through memoranda, even as she expressed dismay over the low response from lawyers in this regard in the previous circular forwarded to them. 

On the issue of alleged indiscipline and unwholesome practices perpetrated by some bad eggs in the judiciary, the Chief Judge who was accompanied by the President of the Customary Court of Appeal, Honourable Justice Patience Elumeze, and other judges presiding over courts in Delta North asserted that such staffers would not be spared if found wanting, but with a caveat that lawyers must formally forward a complaint to her office before disciplinary action could be taken against erring staff.

Among issues deliberated upon in the course of interaction by stakeholders included electronic service of processes, respect to courts by lawyers, proper dress code, and whose duty to bring witnesses to court.

Other matters brought to the fore included security of judges, multiple counsels on one matter which occasioned a delay of trial, the jurisdiction of senior magistrates to hear cases of unlawful possession of firearms, and the need for lawyers to cooperate and support civil matters before the MutliDoor Court House as directed by courts.

The Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Isaiah Bozimo, and chairman Nigerian Bar Association, Asaba branch, Augustine Eseagwu commended the Chief Judge for resuscitating the quarterly Bar and Bench Forum, assuring to address various concerns raised in their respective capacities. 

The Justice Commissioner disclosed that the Ministry has put machinery in place to institutionalize case progression as a means of monitoring the progress of cases as a way of enhancing quick dispensation of justice. 

Assistant Director of the Ministry of Justice and member of the Association of Lawyers With Disabilities in Nigeria, Miss Tosan Mene advocated for inclusiveness when building courts by putting facilities in place for easy access to courts and other public places without assistance. 

Agbaragu Timothy, Esq.

Functioning Director,


High Court of Justice,


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