Owolabi Joseph is a fake lawyer that was apprehended at the Grade 1 Customary Court, Sagamu on the 31st of October, 2022. The said individual appeared in that court on that date and announced his appearance as counsel for the plaintiff.
In the course of the proceedings displayed gross ignorance of the law and judicial proceedings. At one point, he even applied to the Court to make his submissions in Yoruba. After much ado, M.I. Rasheed Esq. who was in court challenged the said individual, and upon his inability to proffer proof of his call the chairman of the branch instructed that the police be called in.
Upon interrogation at the police station, the fraudster opened up and confessed that he is an agent and a clerk in a law firm in Ikorodu. The police called his alleged principal in Ikorodu who stated that Owolabi is not his clerk but an agent with a shop opposite his office and that he normally brings tenancy agreements to him for preparation.
Owolabi Joseph was arraigned before the C.M Court 1, Sagamu on the 1st day of November where he pleaded guilty and was subsequently convicted and sentenced to 12 calendar months in prison without an option of fine.
Publicity Secretary,
Nigerian Bar Association, Ikorodu Branch.
Nigerian Bar Association, Ikorodu Branch.
If in doubt, click on the above link to the search engine created by the Nigerian Bar Association, to search and verify any person claiming to be a lawyer duly called to the Nigerian Bar.
It is simple to use, simply type in the suspicious person's full name on the find a lawyer search engine, and if the name and picture are not found, then the person is likely a fake lawyer. Then report to the appropriate authority or the nearest office of the Nigerian Bar Association, citing your suspicion, and desist from consulting such a person as a lawyer.