The Scout Association of Nigeria has vested the state's Chief Judge, Honourable Justice Tessy Diai, with the prestigious honour as President of the Scout Association of Nigeria, Delta State Council.

The investiture ceremony that took place today in Asaba, was performed by the Chief Commissioner of Nigeria Scouts, Honourable Dave Awunah, in presence of the President of the Customary Court of Appeal, Hon. Patience Elumeze, judges of the High Court, National Officers of Scout Association of Nigeria, former Chief Judge of Edo State now Assistant Chief Commissioner of Nigeria Scout in charge of south south, Honourable Justice Esther Edigin, (rtd.) and chairman, Management Committee  Sir Edwin Ogidi-Gbegbaje.

Justice Tessy Diai who expressed joy for the investiture asserted that the goal of the Scout Movement was to provide a veritable platform to catch and nurture young ones to be disciplined and responsible citizens, stressing that everyone should be happy and proud to be associated with such noble movement. 

She assured that as President of the State Council, she will do her best to portray the movement in the best image, and render and get assistance when required to do the needful to uphold the lofty ideals of the scout movement in Delta State. 

The Chief Judge commended the state government for reviving social clubs and voluntary organisations in schools, stressing that it would go a long way in moulding the character of children. 

While vesting the Chief Judge with the office of the President and Hon. Ejaife Odebala as Deputy President, the Chief Commissioner of Scouts of Nigeria, Dave Awunah explained that the World Organisation of Scout Movement is a nongovernmental youth educational movement with a mantra to develop young people through a value system based on the Scout laws, get them active through series of events and stimulate positive community service.

Honourable Awunah disclosed that the protracted issues of governance structure in the state had been resolved, producing Hon. Landlord Agbagoro as the State Scout Commissioner.

He urged the President of the Council to use her good office to provide office accommodation for the new commissioner and to call the attention of the government to not only reinstate the Council's subventions but also review them in line with the present economic realities.

Congratulating the Chief Judge, Delta State Scout Commissioner, Hon. Landlord Agbagoro stated that the ceremony was in fulfillment of Article 1V section 6 (a) of the Constitution of the Scout Association of Nigeria as mandatory to usher in leadership and governance structure of the highest ruling organ of the scout movement in any state referred to as council.

The highlight of the ceremony was the investiture of the Chief Judge as President of Delta State Council, and Honourable Ejaife Odebala as Deputy President.

Agbaragu Timothy

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