Lagos State Citizens Mediation Center Invites NBA Ikorodu for International Peace Day celebration. This Is How They Celebrate It.

The Lagos State Citizens Mediation Center is an institution of Government set up to utilize the various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolutions as opposed to Litigation for settling disputes in order to promote harmony and friendship between aggrieved parties.

In commemoration of the world peace day which is what the organization represents, it's members and participants are set out for some remarkable events beginning with tree planting and followed by other well planned events to mark the occasion.

Below is the excerpt of an invitation to the Ikorodu NBA branch by the CMC through Bayo Akinlade on the 19th of September 2019

LAGOS STATE CITIZENS MEDIATION CENTER Invites NBA Ikorodu branch to the International Peace Day celebrations beginning with a tree planting and other events tomorrow from 9am.  All those who want to attend should be at the high court by 7am tomorrow 20th September as the bus will leave at 7am sharp. 
Message brought to the NBA Ikorodu branch by Bayo Akinlade SAN, Chairman Ikorodu NBA .

As all participants go out this morning, we hope to have positive feedback from the program.

By Clementina E. Ukiri Esq.

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