Delta State recorded a major milestone in grassroot administration of justice as the State Chief Judge, Justice Marshal Umukoro inaugurated the Magistrate Court Olomu, Akperhe-Olomu in Ughelli South Local Government Area. 

This was coming barely two weeks after performing the opening ceremony of the Abraka Judicial Division in Ethiope East Local Government Area. 

The new Magistrate Court which, was carved out of Otu-Jeremu Magisterial District is constituted of 15 towns and villages including Agbon-Olomu, Akperhe-Olomu, Okpare-Olomu, Okpavuerhe-Olomu, Ovwodokpokpor-Olomu, Aloba-Olomu and Agbazo-Olomu.

Performing the opening ceremony, Justice Umukoro who has created five judicial divisions and seven magistrate courts since the inception of his administration in 2015, stated that his decision was in tandem with Goal16 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which commits member States, among other things, to provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels. 

"The decision to create the Olomu Magistrate's Court is not only to bring justice closer to the people but also has the advantage of preventing recourse to self help by aggrieved members of the public. Therefore, I want to appeal that all persons that are aggrieved one way or the other should take advantage of the judicial process to seek redress and not to have recourse to self help which is capable of causing breakdown of law and order" he admonished. 

He reminded learned magistrates of the Delta State Administration of Criminal Justice Law, 2016 which enjoined the Court to ensure that every ex parte application for a remind of a suspect pending the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions, was accompanied with a charge sheet detailing the particulars of the offence or offences that the suspect was alleged to have committed before a Remand Order was made.

While expressing appreciation to Governor Ifeanyi Okowa for providing the enabling environment for the Judiciary Arm of government to thrive in the State, the number one Judicial Officer expressed optimism that with the creation of the Court the Bar and Bench would work harmoniously to ensure smooth administration of justice in the country.  

He charged pioneer staff to eschew corrupt tendencies that would cast aspersion on the image of the Judiciary, even as he cautioned that appropriate sanctions would be meted out to any erring staff in line with extant rules through the Judicial Service Commission. 

In their separate speeches, the chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association, Ughelli branch Barrister Eromonsele Scott Ayo-Okhiria, the President General of Olomu Kingdom, Olorogun Dr. Moses Taiga and the president general Akperhe-Olomu kingdom Mr. Oviri Orakata thanked the Chief Judge for bringing justice closer to the people of Olomu Kingdom, promising to provide conducive environment for the Court to operate.

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