In what has been popularly couched as #D.T.O_in_Ogun_state_2021, Nigeria's most influential young lawyer, Desmond Tobechukwu Orisewezie stormed Ogun state and was warmly received by His Excellency Olusegun Obasanjo, former president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Eruani, the president of Azikel Group Conglomerate (Airline, Refinery, Petroleum companies) and His Royal majesty Oba Ogunleye.
In his visit, he congratulated the former Nigerian President on his recent engagement at African Union as the head of special intervention in the Horn of Africa. Owing to his high level of adeptness in the business of international law, Desmond discussed at length with the former President on the feasibility of the project to perpetually install peace, progress and prosperity in Africa.
Desmond is the author of a jurisprudential literature titled "Law and society in Nigeria". The dignitaries were delighted to receive copies of this book and ultimately expressed their delight in the amount of energy that the young lawyer has put in enriching Nigeria's jurisprudence.