Dear Observers,

This message is to inform all NBA-INEC accredited observers of the following important guidelines aimed at the effective coordination of the activities of the NBA Election Working Group and individual observers: 

Find below the link for the Code of Conduct for observers and materials for the training (held on Wednesday 15th February 2023):

It is important that every observer reads through the materials for a proper understanding of the assignment.

Please find below the link for the training held on Wednesday 15th of February, 2023.

All accredited observers are expected to identify with their Branch Chairmen for proper coordination and reporting of their observations.

INEC materials will be distributed at the INEC office of all states' capitals.

Briefing of observers by INEC officials will take place on Wednesday 22nd, 2023 in each state. Chairmen of capital state branches are expected to visit the INEC state offices (before the date for the meeting) for more information as regards, the venue and time for the meeting.

The NBA Branch Chairmen in the states' capitals are expected to collect materials for all branches in the state from the INEC office. Chairmen of other branches will collect from them (state capital branch chairmen) for all accredited observers in their respective branches.

Kindly note that chairmen are expected to make copies of the original ''observer ID cards'' of all their members who will in turn acknowledge the receipt of same at the point of collection. Chairmen will then send acknowledged copies of the IDs of accredited observers to the National Secretariat, Abuja. Kindly attention to 'PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT.''

Please note that if your Name and Passport were not forwarded to the NBA National Secretariat for accreditation, you ARE NOT an observer for the 2023 general elections.

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